Ian Granstra:
Analyzes Murders, Missing People, and More Mysteries.

Unlawful In-Laws

by | May 20, 2024 | Mysteries, Solved Murders | 1 comment

Life had been rough for Wendy Camp. The twenty-three-year-old had endured two divorces and a debilitating disease that caused her to lose custody of one of her children. When she married again in 1990, however, things began improving. Friends agree that husband number three was the charm, as he loved Wendy and coped with the stress of having a disabled wife. Her health, in addition, improved over the following two years, and it appeared she could regain custody of her son, whom she was eager to see on May 29, 1992.

That afternoon, Wendy, her six-year-old daughter, Cynthia Britto, and her twenty-three-year-old sister-in-law, Lisa Kriegar, left Wendy’s Oklahoma City home. They never returned; it was over twenty years before the trio’s terrible fate was learned.

Wendy, her daughter from her first marriage, and her sister-in-law from her third marriage, were murdered by Wendy’s former in-laws from her second marriage.


Wendy Camp, Cynthia Britto, and Lisa Kriegar

Wendy Camp was sixteen-years-old when she gave birth to Cynthia in January 1986. Within the year, she and the child’s father, Christopher Britto, divorced.

Wendy and Cynthia

Shortly thereafter, Wendy began dating Chad Noe, with whom she worked at a local ice cream parlor in Edmund, Oklahoma. Wendy was soon pregnant with child number two and married husband number two a month before their son, Jonathan, was born in June 1988.

Jonathan And Chad

One month after Jonathan’s birth, Wendy was diagnosed with severe multiple sclerosis. Her condition rapidly deteriorated, forcing her to be hospitalized. Despite treatments, her health worsened over the following year, and she lapsed into a coma.

Christopher Britto agreed to let Wendy’s family care for Cynthia while Wendy was ill.

Wendy Is Stricken With MS

Contending it was in both his and his son’s best interest, Chad Noe filed for divorce and custody of Jonathan. The bedridden Wendy was too ill to contest either action.

While proceedings were ongoing, Chad impregnated multiple women including, some sources say, underage girls, and his drug habit worsened. As a result, his sister, Kimberly Hashmi, cared for Jonathan.

Chad Gets Custody of Jonathan

After Kimberly moved to New York, Wendy’s mother, Jackie Taylor, asked Chad’s mother, Beverly Noe, to care for Jonathan. She agreed to do so.

Jackie Taylor 

Wendy’s Mother

As her son continued abusing drugs, Beverly soon secretly sought and was granted full custody of Jonathan.

Now Beverly Has Jonathan

Wendy’s family believes her multiple sclerosis resulted, at least in part, from Chad giving her drugs while she was pregnant with Johnathan. After being comatose for sixteen months, she began therapy to regain basic skills such as reading, communicating, and walking.

Wendy Begins Her Recovery

Wendy made great strides and began dating Leon Camp.  They married in January 1990, and settled in Oklahoma City.

As Wendy’s condition continued to improve, she asked Beverly and Chad for more time with Jonathan. The visitations initially went smoothly. After a few weeks, however, Beverly and Chad moved and obtained unlisted phone numbers.

Leon And Wendy Wed

Beverly and Chad were not talking to Wendy and Leon but they were talking to authorities, claiming Leon had sexually abused Johnathan. Medical tests found no supporting evidence and court appointed therapist Ginger Leto cleared Leon of the accusations.

Chad and Beverly were cited for contempt and ordered to allow the visits with Jonathan to resume.

Leon Is Cleared Of Wrongdoing

Despite the court order, Chad and Beverly often refused to allow Wendy to see Jonathan for more than six months. On May 29, 1992, however, Chad called Wendy and inexplicably offered her the chance to see Jonathan at Chad’s home in Shamrock, one-hundred-fifteen miles northeast of Oklahoma City. Knowing Wendy was unable to drive, he also offered to have his mom pick her up at Wendy’s home. 

When Beverly arrived, an argument ensued. Leon did not want Wendy to go alone and asked to accompany them. Beverly, knowing Leon’s disdain for her son, refused, saying they would wind up arguing, and perhaps even fighting, one another. Wendy also wanted Cynthia to come along to play with Jonathan.

Beverly was insistent that she would take only Wendy, but eventually agreed to take Cynthia. As a compromise, it was agreed that Leon’s twenty-three-year-old sister, Lisa Kriegar, would instead accompany them.  The four left Wendy’s home at approximately 11:45 a.m.

Two hours later, Wendy called Leon from a pay phone at the Shamrock Café telling him they had arrived in town. She said they were waiting for Chad to pick them up.

Chad says he drove the group to his home where, as Jonathan and Cynthia played together under Lisa’s supervision, he and Wendy talked and drank coffee on the porch. He said Wendy, oddly, did not interact much with Johnathan.

Beverly said she, accompanied by her mother, Ida Prewitt, picked up the group at 4:30 p.m. at Chad’s house and stopped again at the Shamrock Café where Wendy phoned Leon, telling him the visit had gone well and that they were on their way home.   Phone records show the call was made at 4:42 p.m. Beverly said the group departed shortly thereafter.  By 10:30 p.m., when the group had not arrived, Leon reported them missing.

Wendy, Cynthia, And Lisa Do Not Return Home

After taking Wendy, Cynthia, and Lisa to Oklahoma City, Beverly was to drive seventy miles northeast to Cushing, fifteen miles northwest of Shamrock, where she planned to meet Chad at a restaurant at approximately 7:00 p.m.

The Proximity Of The Towns

Ida Prewitt said that during the drive she became irritated with Wendy, who argued that she should have custody of Jonathan. Ida claimed she had Beverly drop her at her home in Bristow at approximately 5:15 p.m.

Bristow is thirty miles southeast of Cushing, and fifteen miles southeast of Shamrock.

Ida Prewitt 

Beverly Noe’s Mother And Chad’s Noe’s Grandmother

Beverly contended Wendy and Lisa continued bickering with her for the next half hour and that she could no longer take it when they arrived in Chandler, thirty miles southwest of Shamrock and forty-five miles northeast of Oklahoma City. At her boiling point, Beverly said she pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot where she ordered Wendy, Cynthia, and Lisa out of her car. The time was approximately 6:00 p.m.

No one at Wal-Mart, however, could recall seeing them or Beverly’s car, a 1983 Audi.

No Sign of the Women

Wendy was diligent about phoning Leon when there were any change of plans, but she had not do so after Beverly claimed she left the trio at Wal-Mart.Her family did not believe the account told by Beverly and Ida. Their sentiments were soon shared by investigators.

No Subsequent Word From Wendy

The Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation conducted an aerial search involving five airplanes as well as a ground search over a five county area. They found no trace of the missing women and girl.

In analyzing the time frame as laid out by Beverly, police say that at the time she said the group left Shamrock, approximately 4:45 p.m., she would not have had time to meet Chad in Cushing at 7:00. Investigators determined the trip from Shamrock to Oklahoma City and back to Cushing would have taken at least three hours, and likely longer because Beverly had said she drove along the old two-lane highway instead of the faster superhighway.

Beverly’s Account Is Doubted

Two Shamrock residents say they overheard Chad boasting that he had killed Wendy, Cynthia, and Lisa, and that their bodies would never be found.  Chad says he may have made the statements sarcastically during a “drunken stupor,” but he, along with his mother and grandmother, denied any involvement in their disappearances.

Did Chad Kill The Women?

In 2006, Ida Prewitt and Beverly Noe were convicted of arson after intentionally burning their home in an attempt to bilk their insurance company of over $83,000. Both mother and daughter served time in prison.

The arson was the least of the ladies’ crimes.

                                          Beverly Noe               Ida Prewitt

On April 16, 2013, nearly twenty-one years after the disappearances of Wendy Camp, Cynthia Britto, and Lisa Kriegar, their remains were found buried on property near Jennings in Pawnee County, Oklahoma, approximately twenty miles north of Shamrock. Autopsies determined all three had been murdered; Wendy and Lisa had been shot several times, and Wendy had also been stabbed multiple times.  Six-year-old Cynthia, whose remains still had duct tape attached, died from “homicidal violence of unspecified means.”

The Ruger revolver, most likely a .357, and the six-and-a-half inch knife used in the killings were also in the grave.

Remains Found

The remains were buried in a hole under a septic tank on property owned by Grover Prewitt, Ida’s son and Beverly’s brother. Police say Grover led them to the remains.

The hole had been dug several months before the females’ disappearances in 1992. At the time, the property was jointly owned by Grover and Ida, who had died in 2011. Grover told authorities his mother was in no hurry to build the septic tank until shortly after Wendy, Cynthia, and Lisa disappeared. After Ida died, Grover told acquaintances that he suspected his mother and sister had killed the missing women and that the bodies were buried in the septic tank. These comments led to his being questioned by police.

In March 2014, Beverly Noe was charged with three counts of first degree murder. Grover Prewitt was charged as an accessory after the fact.

Beverly Noe and Grover Prewitt

In January 2015, Beverly Noe accepted a plea bargain in which she pled no contest to the murders and accepted a sentence of fifteen years in prison and fifteen years’ probation.  She was released on January 7, 2020, after serving less than five years.

Beverly Accepts a Plea Deal

Beverly had gained custody of Chad and Wendy’s son, Johnathan, after Wendy had become incapacitated and Chad was deemed an unfit parent. When Wendy re-married and her condition improved the chances of her regaining custody of her son grew. Following Wendy’s disappearance, Beverly ultimately raised Jonathan.

Investigators believe Beverly’s fears of losing custody of Jonathan were her motivations for the murders. It is believed her original intention was to murder only Wendy, but that she had to kill Cynthia and Lisa as well because they accompanied Wendy on the trip. Beverly’s story of Wendy’s bickering during the drive home and ordering the group out at the Chandler Wal-Mart was a ruse; there had never been a drive home, nor were they ever at the Walmart.

Grandma Could Not Risk 

Losing Her Grandchildren

Ida Prewitt died in 2011 at age eighty-two. Had she still been living at the time the bodies were found two years later, she likely also would have been charged with murder—and it would not have been for the first time.

On June 12, 1980, John Rausin, Jr. the husband of Ida’s daughter Deborah, was found murdered in his car, having been shot twice and stabbed ten times. Ida and Deborah were both arrested for his murder in 1983, but the charges were later dropped.

It is interesting that Deborah Johnson (after she re-married) was working for Grover Prewitt and living on his property at the time Wendy, Cynthia, and Lisa vanished.


Did Ida Twice Get Away With Murder?

The accessory after the fact charges against Grover Prewitt were dismissed. He died in 2017 at age sixty-four.

Grover Cleared

Beverly Noe died in October 2023, at age seventy-six.

Beverly Has Recently Died

Chad Noe, the one person who two people say boasted of his involvement in the killings,  has never been charged in connection with the murders of Wendy Camp, Cynthia Britto, and Lisa Kriegar.  Wendy’s family believes he took part along with his mother and grandmother.

Chad Is Not Charged





  • KFOR-TV Channel 4 Oklahoma City NBC Affiliate
  • KMTV-DT Channel 9 Oklahoma City CBS Affiliate
  • KOTV Channel 6 Tulsa CBS Affiliate
  • The Lawton Constitution
  • The Oklahoman
  • Tulsa World
  • Unsolved Mysteries

1 Comment

  1. Jackie Austin

    Wow, served less than 5 years… incredible 😡


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My name is Ian Granstra.

I am a native Iowan now living in Arkansas. Growing up, I was intrigued by true crime/mystery shows and enjoyed researching the featured stories. After I wrote about some of the cases on my personal Facebook page, several people suggested I start a group featuring my writings. My group, now called The Mystery Delver, now has over 55,000 members. Now I have started this website in the hope of reaching more people.

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